Welcome to Camino UK. We aim to inspire you to walk for peace. Walking a Camino is a great way to take the time to find ourselves, love ourselves and extend that love to others.
A Camino is a time to focus on yourself and your own journey through life, a time to reconnect, reorientate and heal. It is a way to reenergise the old pilgrim paths and to recreate a grid of positive energy throughout any area where a Camino is walked to radiate energy to the surrounding environment.
A Camino walk or pilgrimage was traditionally a long journey to a sacred place, made as an act of religious devotion for example to Lourdes or Mecca Now a camino is often made for more down to earth, secular reasons. Other meanings of the word are: a way, journey, mission, trip or excursion. ‘Excursion’ – from the Latin ex ‘out’ and currere – ‘to run’ – an opportunity to run out of your existing track into something new and exciting.
Our definition of ‘Camino’ is a walk with a purpose, or intent, a mindful walk. A Peace Camino is a walk with an intention to walk for peace in your own way. A walk for inner peace spreads world peace.
The first path of Camino UK, founded by Katherine Armitage & Stewart Johnston, is the ‘Jesus and Joseph Camino’ from Combe Martin to Glastonbury inspired by the route Joseph of Arimathea and his great nephew Jesus would have taken, by sea, along the Devon coast to the Isle of Avalon,(now Glastonbury) in Somerset. Joseph, according to historical and archeological evidence was a wealthy merchant who traded with the tin mines in Cornwall and the silver mines in Combe Martin. There are many facts on this subject that we will be adding to this site.
We facilitate the start of your Camino at Cranleigh House, Combe Martin. The ‘Jesus & Joseph Camino’ follows the South West Coast path for much of the way and then the Samaritan’s way, from Crowcombe, in Somerset, linking many churches and sacred sites: Cranleigh House, Holdstone Down, Sister’s Fountain and others, all the way to the mystical Glastonbury Tor.
The first Jesus & Joseph Camino, walking from Combe Martin to Glastonbury, was made by Katherine Armitage & Stewart Johnston from October 13th-October 22nd 2015. Follow this special route for yourself, for self-healing and for World Peace.
As well as promoting this route, we are hoping to reenergise pilgrim paths all over the West Country of England to connect to Glastonbury and then to connect to the Camino paths in France and other mainland European countries. This Camino movement – to walk for peace – can extend throughout the world and become: Camino Earth, with as many people connecting to the energies of the Earth and walking for world peace as possible.